Programme BSR

Programme Kolarctic

Programme "Karelia"

South-East Finland - Russia Programme

Estonia-Latvia-Russia Programme

 Lithuania-Poland-Kaliningrad oblast Programme








South-East Finland - Russia Neighbourhood Programme


Web site

About Programme


Aim of the programme is to provide cross-border co-operation in the programme region. European Union allows funding for this programme from two instruments, INTERREG and TACIS.


The main principle of the Programme is co-operation between the area of South-East Finland and the city of St Petersburg, and the Leningrad Oblast. This principle will not be repeated later when the priorities are described; usually only the activity will be defined. However, the supposition is that the activity focuses on this specific area. 
The programme will grant aid to joint development projects following a strategy and priorities which are jointly agreed by the Finnish and Russian partners:


Development of transport links and the state of the environment

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Border crossing points and transport links

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Maintaining and improving the state of the environment


Development of business and the business environment

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Increasing the number of SME's and improving their operational preconditions


Expertise and improving conditions for co-operation

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Development of expertise

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Conditions for co-operation and well-being


Co-operation area


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South -East Finland (South Karelia; South Savo; Kymenlaakso)

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Leningrad Oblast


Contact information


Raatimiehenkatu 18, FI-53100 Lappeenranta

Director, Regional Development Mr. Timo Tuomisaari
tel. +358 5 613 0210
Head of the Secretariat Mr. Markus Hulkkonen
tel. +358 5 613 0290
Programme Secretary Mrs. Sari Loisa
tel. +358 5 613 0214
Financial Director Mrs. Päivi Ilves
tel. +358 5 613 0216


This project is funded by the EU  

A project implemented by Jyväskylä Regional

Development Company Jykes Ltd

The Web site has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of the Web site is the sole responsibility of implementing partner Jykes Oy and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.