First working meeting

Working seminars

Leningrad Oblast

Murmansk Oblast

Pskov Oblast

Republic of Karelia


Training programmes








As in the COMMIN project, institutional building is the main objective of DEX. Capability for such building is based on creation of network of excellence centers and on the comprehensive training methodologies, provided by the COMMIN project. 


Participation in the training sessions is available for Russian partners through the DEX project.


Training sessions include study trips, seminars and workshops which form a perfect platform for experience and information exchange, and will contribute to better understanding of varied development models, methodologies and views, spread out in different parts of the Baltic Sea region.


This project is funded by the EU  

A project implemented by Jyväskylä Regional

Development Company Jykes Ltd

The Web site has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of the Web site is the sole responsibility of implementing partner Jykes Oy and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.